Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Blog Reflection

         This is the first time I have a blogger... actually is the first time I ever have a blog like this. I'm a very introspective person and the idea to have a blog for my refections, thoughts and my reactions wasn't a correct one. I do have a tumblr (I'll leave you the link here) but a blogger is a totally difference experience. How? well... my tumblr it's a blog but I never put in words my ideas of anything, I just click the reblog button and all is done. Having a blogger is more personal... I will like to say, because you NEED to write what you are thinking.
           This idea was changing  though the semester. My first blog (you can read it here) was very un personal, more informative, just sharing my ideas. After a few blogs I realize that I blog It's MORE about and less "what you should be". For example one of my favorite blogs was my final journal reflection (if you are interest about to know more click here) I definitely become in that blog what really I'm. Took me the whole semester to express myself with confidence in internet. 
          For a conclusion I would like to say that I definitely will keep updating this blog. I'll learn more how to use blogger and start to following more people of my interest. It's very hard to have a blog when you are studying but now on holidays I'll have a lot of more time to think about my experience. Sometime you need to express yourself and I never felt like Facebook media was the best of that so blogger will be my new public diary. 

Let It Go :)


  1. How bold of you to leave a link for your tumblr!
    hahah i'm kidding.
    I'll be looking forward to your future post :)

  2. I love the GIF! I think the blog was a nice experience as well because it helped me share mi thoughts, but sometimes it was a challenge for me to write so much.

  3. LOL, that was my first word when I saw the "Let it Go" picture!!!!
    It's true what you said about sharing our feelings with the internet, because internet is the world and we don't know who can read it. But at the same time is some like interesting to know that someday someone you don't even know can comment in one of your entries so in that moment you established a new bond with someone new.
