Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tourist for a Day

       My experience was very funny. My friends and I went to Ponce on Saturday evening and we had a blast. First we start everything speaking in english  on a gas station and everyone was ignoring us. It's felt so weird because in Puerto Rico the land that saw me born was rejecting me. Immediately a random thought told me "Now you know how is to be New Yorkrican". That feeling.... that horrible feeling tat you don't belong to anyplace. Then we moved to "El Castillo Serralles". We were 6 and just 3 of us had visited that place! I felt SO BAD! We live here! How that happened? It's no only our generation, this is something that is happening in general,  we completely ignored our surroundings. We dream about traveling the our and we say that the only way to have fun is traveling to Disney; when the reality is that we have a lot in here. Puerto Rico is beautiful!
      After that we went to "La Guancha" for something to eat and we change the language to Spanish because just 3 of us speak english.  We change the language to Spanish but from Spain. My friends are very good in this so the people believe it. This is something they love to do (speaking like a person from Spain).
      Now it is time to eat and one of us said "Give me the best that you have!" and the people were so nice to us! It's incredible how one language can make those lines of in group and our group. We were so rude with the people in the "kiosco" because we have this steriotype about Spanish (they talk with a lot of bad words). We said "joder" like 3 time per sentence and for everyone was totally normal.
    BACK TO HOME! We live in Caguas so we have a long way to talk and reflect about what happened in the day. We conclude that people in Puerto Rico are afraid of speaking english or something like that.  When we were speaking in english we were invisible and then in La Guancha when we were speaking in spanish we were the center of attention. They even ask us stuff about Spain! Thanks to God, my friend do this all the time and they know stuff about Spain, they even have a place in Spain if the people ask them "So... where part of Spain are you from?" Everything was flawless. In my opinion been a tourist in  Puerto Rico is not the bad part, the bad part is the language.


  1. Don't you think that's alarming and just the tiniest bit sad? That even though we live here, and it's a pretty small Island there's all these places we've never even been to, yet we look to exploring the world and leaving this island. And if we have, it wasn't from our own initiative (and i'm guilty of this) it's only because it was part of a school field trip and lets be honest, you were not cool if you skipped out on field trips, haha. We should definitely look into internal tourism.

    Isn't that curious? How people's behavior change depending on the language you're speaking. It makes me wonder if, regardless of which accent you adopt (as long as it's noticeable that it's from another spanish speaking country), as long as you're speaking spanish people will be friendly.... Hmmm.

  2. Hahaha, very funny and intelligent to switch to spanish (from Spain) speakers. I think here in Puerto Rico, we are used now to have english speakers at our side, because of the linkage to the US and the position of the island. It's even more unusual to hear a Spanish tourist on the island so we rapidly become very friendly as we mostly are, but I really liked your post!

  3. It is very true! See how to change language for a day and you can see everything from another perspective. And it’s good that you were able to visit a place that you had not gone before. So you were a real tourists! hahahah

  4. Speaking a different language in one's own country really is the hardest part of the whole experience!

  5. I find it extremely ironic that people prefer to vacation outside of the island when they don't even know their roots. I have seen people that barely know the Puerto Rican anthem and have lived their whole lives here? How disappointing is this? We definitely have to take more pride in our island and learn about it's wonders and culture! Nice post!
